Modest styles that are not too flash or embarrassing go down well with Virgo. Self expression tends to be understated but nonetheless sexy. Think Earth mother or nature goddess and you won't go far wrong.

Virgos like to make a subtle impression, one that you won't forget, so any style that honours their powerful, but discreet identity will be appreciated. Virgo opts for understated glamour that gets people talking, but which preserves mystery and privacy.

It is often overlooked that Virgo is not quite the staid careful sign we all assume. Underneath that sharp business suit Virgo is probably sporting a sexy negligee that leaves little to the imagination. Appearances can be deceiving!

Materials & clothing in Moss, Terracotta, Bronze, plus Mulberry or Rich Berry colours suit Virgo.

Tommy Hilfiger T girl EDT: feminine, pretty, and not too 'in your face!'
Paris by Yves Saint Laurent is romantic and distinctive.

Essential Oil for Virgo is Lavender: Its calming, soothing & a great de-stresser…Just what the doctor ordered! Look for products containing Lavender.

Jewellery using Zodiac crystal: Carnelian
Magic Mascot Motif: Shamrock
Flowers: Crocus