Gemini needs constant stimulation or the boredom sets in. Jazzy, busy fabrics and styles are cute on Gemini. This Air sign needs a talking point, so any item that makes an impression and expresses personality works well.

Gemini rules the lungs, so this Zodiac sign needs room to breathe. Clothes which restrict movement are not a good idea. Ditch the corsets and stick to floaty chiffon. Airy, spacious clothes cut imaginatively suit Gemini down to the ground.

Candles, Materials & clothing in Quartz Green, Silver, Pale Yellow, Florals, Prints & Stripes suit Gemini.

Angel by Thierry Mugler contains many possibilities and takes a while to get the measure of, very Gemini, so!
Ghost Deepest Night, Eau de Parfum is a real party girl pong!

Essential Oil for Gemini is Basil: it stimulates the mind & assists an alert mental state. Basil is also useful to combat lung infections & asthma as an inhalant. Look for products containing Basil.

Jewellery using Zodiac crystal: Agate
Magic Mascot Motif: Pyramids, Fairies
Flowers: Lavender