The ancient Chinese Yin-Yang scholars believed that the universe is divided into three parts. The first is the sky, is the second part of the land and the third is for all types of living. Why are people in charge of all kinds of living, because a third called human.
We can find metal, water, wood, fire and land anywhere in the field. The Chinese scholar named their Five Elements. Human beings live between heaven and earth as the five elements. Thus, human beings must have a relationship with the five elements, or be like them. How has the relationship between withdrawal and hostility five elements must be similar relationships between people.
For example, trees have their growth cycle between heaven and earth. Human beings should have the same cycle of trees. Seasonal variations affect the growth of trees. The trees grow faster in spring and autumn slow. The environmental changes also affect the lives of trees. Without adequate sun, the trees grow very slowly. Much heat, trees will be dried out. Without water, trees can not grow. Many of the water, will begin and floating trees. Insufficient land, trees will not grow in height ....
The cycle of life is also affected by seasonal changes and the environment. Seasonal variations from the sun and moon, which is clock time. The Chinese calendar is designed by the sun and moon, plus the resulting branch (the concept of trees) cycle. Chinese Yin-Yang scholars have thousands of years to implement the five elements of Chinese-derived branch calendar. So people take the five elements using birth weight and time.
When the seasons and environment change, the five elements have some answers. People respond in a similar way. The Yin-Yang scholars made predictions on the human life cycle from birth to death, using this natural phenomenon.
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