If there is a mole in the stomach, has a character susceptible, be gentle and clean.
If there is a mole on the nose, have preferred the character, miserly and not much luck.
If there is a mole in the top or bottom lip, has a character be a lot of people and cheap food
If there is a mole on the chin, has a character can not be trusted, a lot of talk.
If there is a mole on the left forehead, has a smart character, strong mental and reliability.
If there is a mole right in the forehead, has a jaunty character, like the adventure.
If there is a mole on the left cheek, have extravagant character, much hindrance.
If there is a mole on the right cheek, has a benevolent character.
If there is a mole on the left eyebrow, has a selfish character, would not care about the distress of others.
If there is a mole on the right eyebrow, had a lot of character burden, never quiet.
If there is a mole on the chest, has a tough-minded character.
If there is a mole in the arm, has a bold character, strong, taciturn.
If there is a mole on the wrist, has a wish-like character, can not save money.
If there is a mole on the right or left knee, had a cheery disposition, a strong run.
If there is a mole on the left shoulder, has a steadfast character, carefully, have a permanent establishment.
If there is a mole on the right ear, has not miserly character, have the willpower.
If there is a mole on the left ear, has a tetchy temperament, quick-tempered.
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