Meaning mole Women's
By Ice Breaker

For someone to know the characters, the mole (Javanese: andeng-andeng) can be an indicator. Here is a birthmark on the situation of women and their meaning.

Cantle - the property of the greedy, evil and cruel
Unyeng-unyeng - Many resourceful, intelligent but uncommunicative
The back of the head - can be trusted, intrepid and patient
Head to the right - Many food
Head to the left - sniffy
Right or left forehead - sniffy
Middle of the forehead - and good-hearted, smart
Right or left temple - Many food
Lid on the right / left - smart to bring themselves
Lid down right / left - often suffer
The tip of the right eye / left - can be trusted and uncommunicative
Base of the nose - and good-hearted
Right eyebrow - steam help
Left eyebrow - a lot of people loved
Nose - Many food
Nose down - good speech, many food
On the lips - Smart, a lot of food
Lips down - Both the heart
Cheek right / left - Dermawan
Middle cheek - preferred
Right end of the mouth - speech Pandai
Chin - Pandai talk and honest
Right ear - Hardware and easy to anger
Left ear - and honest Pandai
Front of the neck - Full of Wisdom
Back of the neck - Small hearts, despair
Right shoulder - color firm
Left shoulder - Pikirannya always difficult
Breast right / left - large Nafsunya
Between breast - Both heart
Backache - Can be trusted
Middle stomach - can be trusted
Waist - honest and courageous
Buttocks - often suffer
Hip - more agile and fortune
Genitalia - big passion
Front of the knee - Strong running
In the knee - his heart does not remain
Betis - Can be trusted
Dislocated right foot - squanderer
Dislocated left foot - intrepid
Ankle - Strong running
Heel - can not be trusted
Finger-toe - working steam
Right arm / left - working steam
Foot - Both heart
The right hand - smart to save property
The left palm - spender
The background - Strong, rich
Funny bone - Both heart
In the elbow - Always courageous
Fingers hands - Many food
Wrist - squanderer

Tags: meaning, mole, women