1. Number one (1) symbolizes the sun and everything that strong, individual and creative. They are number one was born to be a leader, ambitious and active, often dominant and aggressive. This is a strong number and give hope to achieve better success. Also a number of pioneers, leaders and even the winner of a number tiran! With their number one can be selfish, do not pity and be gazed when contumacious. And more attention to the career or activity that is selected rather than personal relationships. Sunday is a day associated with symbolizes the Sun with the number one.

2. Number two (2) the Moon and on Monday, associated with a number two. They are number 2 more soft, passive, and artistic than their number one. Two more related by action rather than thought, and even if they create a lot, they are not too stiff implement their plans. They tend to captivate and power have intuition, but maybe less confidence. They are number two can change, maybe even like a lie and it can be too sensitive and depressive. They match with the two interact with the private berlawaan, with number one.

3. Number three (3) represents Jupiter and Thursday is the day most lucky day for those who have three digits. People tend to have the number three energetic, disciplined, talented. Those with the number three is often successful in their chosen fields. Even in fact, they are not satisfied when it is not successful because they have a great self-awareness, is very proud and independent. They delighted control. Like the rule, but also have many good attributes. Wear a mask like the spiritual, because the number three is the Trinity. They are very suitable interact with a number of other three, and those born under the number 6 and 9.

4. Number four (4) represents Uranus and Sunday hours are the luck day, and the number that indicates the four seasons, the elements, point of compass, oriented in the earth. People are steady and practical, with high resilience. However, the number four, the opponent has in himself, and they have four digits often see things from the opposite perspective, so they look like protester and not conventional. Rarely interested in the material. Are difficult and may feel isolated. They are the numbers 1,2,7 and 8 are best friends or for the number four.

5. Five (5) represents Mercury, those born under this number have mercury in virginity. Gleeful, sensual, happy, impulsive (the point of view that is not common), quick thinking and emotional. Those with the number five, full of nuanced tension, possibly have difficulties with their own emotions. They find clever money, mainly through the actions speculation, and easy to recover from failure. Are easy with everyone, but that is likely to be of those under five, and on Wednesday was the luck day.

6. Six (6) represents Venus, those born under this number for the clever set of love, tend to be romantic than sensual. This figure is also the number of perfect factor (1,2,3), six impressive synergy and harmony and love always be associated with the family and have great attention to the life of the household. Number six is a very trustworthy, but can be intractable. They love beauty, and captivating berparas usually very easy to interact than the numbers, and do not like the failure of abstinence and surrender. Friday is the luck day.

7. Seven (7) represents Neptunus, that are associated with water. They go with the number seven and like to travel the seas. Monday is the day keberuntunannya. Seven have considered the meaning of the fortune-telling, and they were born under the influence of this often have a spiritual or philosophical view of the strong, they are usually not interested in the material. Intuition them high, even to have the six senses. The number seven has usually mysterious to other people, but there is a tendency to become introvert. They are thinkers and always get their numbers from fortune.

8. Number eight (8) represents Saturn, a number of awkward and difficult, this is the multiplier 4, so the number of contradictions. This number can mean sadness, but will be associated with worldly success. They have eight digits with willpower, individualistic, and looks cool. And they have a strong feeling and depth, which sometimes miss understanding by others. And the luck day is Saturday.

9. Number nine (9) represents Mars, seen as the peak number, even with the special meaning of the sacred. When multiplied by whatever the number, the number back as nine digits, (eg, 3 x 9 = 27, 2 + 7 = 9). This figure is usually taboo surrender, active and full of desire. They are usually successful after digging, but prone to accidents and injuries, and can be a contentious people. The answer is, will affect the number nine, courage and sense of brotherhood among the other figures. And their luck day Tuesday.
