That is an art of self-defense, Nakaban derived from a phrase of bahasa suryani, which once was prophet language. It is said that name directly coming from Khidir A.S. through a clergy at Pamekasan, Madura. The imposing name by God bless is unquestionable, following the multifunction of the name owner, if proper understood.

The main function of name is to cure and survive upon the blessing and Allah S.W.T. helping. The main media is water or directly transferred by near or distance. The dreadfulness of name (by God bless) is balance with need or arise foe, and will doubled as the foe that man must fight. Others functions are: physical defences, cold steel, gun, massive, punch, other man art defense (could smash the foe power at high level (aura will spray automatically), imposing of authority.

By Allah bless, drive out the rain, giving back and crashing automatically the foe metaphysical attack. The dreadfulness of art is having the complexity of high level of hizib in one coordinate. This art right after its rise could be applied and proved and sensed.
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